If Ponyo’s mother is so pretty an’ all then why is she married to Fujimoto?
Whaddya mean? Fujimoto’s the worlds most handsome man!
Hyvin inside.
At school: Our campus’s library also has Donald Duck magazines. In case you want to study comics. / Because there aren’t any other comics besides Donald Duck. At least ones that are better.
Jostain syystä ”Liiketalous ja kulttuuri Pori” lyhennetään Lipo eikä Likupo.
Tomorrow’s my day off. Don’t feel like going to sleep yet. / I could make that DeviantART improvement meme and laugh at my old artworks. / Wait a sec, these aren’t so bad. / Actually I’m quite proud of my younger self.
Kuuma puheenaihe. Viestinnän koulutusohjelman lakkauttamisesta oli myös viime viikon Satakunnan Kansan Virta-liitteessä. Ai niin, vuonna 2013 ei oteta enää lisää viestinnän opiskelijoita, mutta aloittaneet saavat jatkaa opinnot loppuun.
Muokkaus: Sensuuripalkit lisätty asianomaisten toiveesta.
We had our first lesson on photography. / Now let’s go to the studio. You’ll spend the rest of the day doing these exercises. / I really need to revise these at home.
Where’s the shutter button?
Mum, could I borrow your system camera? // You may keep it. / What, really? // It’s so heavy I don’t like carrying it around.
I’m going to update this blog once a week at least for the rest of the year. / If she doesn’t she won’t be allowed to read any comic blogs and then she’ll be pissed off.
Idea pöllitty Tuukalta, Anjalta, Ninniltä ja Hernyltä. Vähän myöhässä aloitan.
In the morning I bike 2,7 kilometres to the school. / At noon I’m biking 2,7 kilometres back home for lunch. / Then I’ll bike yet another 2,7 kilometres to school. / And finally I’m biking back home in the afternoon. / I’ve biked ten kilometres today. Sounds so sporty.