
So Animecon had become real weird. // In the evening they had a fancy VIP party. I could go there since my friend had an invitation. // But they had a fire alarm so we went to sit on a corner somewhere. // My friend started chatting with some bloke. // It was Robert fucking Pattison. // A conversation ensued: bluh bluh bluh // Robert Pattison’s ruining my experience of Doctor Who by watching it.

My friend Elli had been dreaming of David Tennant at the time. Isn’t that perfectly unfair?

Elli oli samoihin aikoihin nähnyt unta David Tennantista. Täydellisen epäreilua.


Dunno. Okay, perhaps the time Häkkis said this in Orivesi: You’re so smart when you criticise people.    

Genre: male // General childishness and also maturity. // Somehow artistic.

The most importantly that the person would tolerate a nasty person like me. // There aren’t many that can. Everyone else sucks. / You suck.

Other: Big noses. Long hair. British accent.


Sirkku’s teacher had been canning mushrooms in their kitchen. / Wat. // Later: Have you been picking muschrooms? / Not you too. // Aren’t there any forests in Pori. The two of you being students and all–

(For your information we were talking about mushrooms for food not the ones you thought we were talking about. You can pick mushrooms and berries in forests for free because of everyman’s right here in Finland. It’d be a nice way of spending less money on food if you weren’t as lazy as we are.)

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Saatte kuulla 50 faktaa MINUSTA kunhan jaksan niistä kaikista piirtää. Haaste on ymmärtääkseni Hillon keksimä. Kunnia hänelle.

I’ll tell you 50 facts of ME but it might just take a while for me to draw them. Hillo’s made up this meme. Praise him.

I study Media and Communication Studies at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences. / Today we’ll talk about copyrights! / Trying to… concentrate… / Two seconds later: The teacher was talking about what?

Tätä piirtäessäni sain tietooni tämän uutisen. ”Viestinnän koulutusohjelmaan (medianomi AMK) ja kemiantekniikan koulutusohjelmaan (insinööri AMK) ei oteta lainkaan uusia opiskelijoita.” Koska kulttuuri on täysin turha ala.

Yeah and basically they won’t teach media in my school after my class has graduated because culture is useless and shit and people should get real jobs.

Memory Foooooam!

You seem very interested in those Christmas catalogues. / But these bargains are so STUPID. / ”Nailclipper with a flash light exclamation mark.” ”A fantastic super warm headgear.” It’s actually fucking ugly just look at it.

And then there’s some pillow for sitting: ”Memory Foam – it takes shape after your fucking arse.” / ”It’s also wonderful for car rides” Cars tend to have such hard benches, right?

Just think about it. Someone might take one to church!

Next day at school.


I simply have to see this film! / Let’s see when they’re showing this in local theatres. / WHAT. / They’re not featuring this in Japanese at all. Only in Finnish.