You know Hogwarts is a pretty useless school when you come to think of it. / How do you mean? // We’re not taught anything useful at all!
You know like Geography of foreign languages. Wizards need that kind of stuff too! // For example, who makes the layouts for The Daily Phophet? Does someone study graphic design in a muggle school after graduating from Hogwarts?
The writing goes to the right place with magic of course! / Wat. // You’re only pissed you keep losing in duel. / No I don’t!
Perustuu oikeaan ruokapöytäkeskusteluun, mutten muita voinut piirtää tähän, koska vain Jenna on kanssani samassa tuvassa. Mehän ei muiden tupien oppilaita meidän Luihuspöytään huolita! Ainakaan keltaisia puuskupuheja!
This conversation actually took place in the school cafeteria.