Wait a sec. / Hans from Emma manga is actually… Ornette Birks Makkonen of Pauli Kallio and Ville Pirinen’s comic! / I’ve unveiled a conspiracy!
Aihearkisto: In English
Moshi moshi
They’ve taught us lighting at school. // It’s surprisingly useful // when I skype with Mum. / I still can’t see your face properly!
Mum: …and there were heaps of chanterelles… // then I – Emmi you even listening? (Yeah…) // You’re reading the news again! You looked as if you were miles away!
Siitäpä tulikin mieleeni: Huomenna olen järjestämässä 24 tuntia sarjakuvaa -tapahtuman Porissa. Lauantain ja sunnuntain iltapäiväneljän välissä meillä on Skype päällä, laitteiden salliessa. Ihan kaikki kiinnostuneet, varsinkin muut omia kaksnelosiaan väsäävät, voivat pirautella käyttäjätunnukselle Kaksnelonen-Pori.
”No, mutta miksi?”
A GOOD DAY: I was able to sleep in cause the school started so late. Even the neighbours didn’t wake me up. // They didn’t teach anything too difficult yet. // After school I went to Pori city centre.
I met one of my new classmates and mentioned 24 hour comics day. We decided to arrange a happening. // I visited shops.
In the evening I went for a walk in Käppärä grave yard. // Jusélius Mausoleum looked so cool in the twilight.
I spent the rest of that week with a cold but it was worth it.
PAPRIKA: At last I woke up early. Now I can go to sleep early too. // They’re airing Paprika at 45 minutes past midnight. // Later
At last I found this in the library. // Goddammit! It’s stuck!
The library always has scratched DVDs. // So I’m forced to watch it online. // And then I was able to watch it without a problem. And it was worth it.
Hullu ämmä
Oli oikea käsi vähän piperönä koko päivän tussaamisesta ja yritin piirtää vasurilla. Eihän noista edes tunnista, kuka on kukin. Boffauksessa siis käytetään tollaisia jänniä vaahtomuovijesariviritelmiä miekkoina ja hakataan toisia. Kyllä siinä säännötkin oli, mutta ne on tehty rikottaviksi.
I’d been inking the whole day so my right hand was exhausted. Used the left in stead. You can’t even tell who’s who. Boffering is the sport where you hit opponents with some silly foam weapons. There were rules but we decided to break them.
We went boffering cause they teach it here at our school once a week. Little upper secondary schoolers taught us. / And if you hit someone’s leg if falls off.
That’s not how it goes!
Korppi on oikeus!
I went for breakfast four times now you have to make pancakes. / Already did. They’re on the kitchen table.
Emmi-kun, here’s your serving. / Is there ketchup. / Of course there is! / Thank you! / I didn’t have any myself so you can have some tomorrow.
After we’ve eaten we’ll go look for the hoodie. / Yeeees. / Juice! (?) / Hello! / H’llo! / Can we take some of these? / As many as you like. / Emmi dammit come ’ere now!
They’re giving away clothes hangers! / Cool! / Now we must hoard them! / A good thing we didn’t go looking for that hoodie earlier. / Yes.
Vihaan portaita
People outside the college don’t often understand everything in this blog – / – so I thought I could show you the setting. This is my room. / And on the other side of the corridor is – / – our comic studio class room.
There are all kinds of interesting people there. Especially at night.
Ja kyllä, useimmilla on läppäri nenänsä edessä jatkuvasti.
Granma! / I’ve missed you. / I haven’t dreamt of you for a long time.
Onsku gimme some of that chocolate. / I’ll give you some if you eat if out of Mansikka’s mouth. / Help me.
Jännän äärellä
I never knew you listened to metal music. You don’t look the sort. / I don’t? Wat?
Dammit some fucker is showering upstairs. / This long. And in the middle of the night. / Or it’s raining.
Lisäksi vielä luonnoskirjasta (taas) koska on rikos, jos jättää luonnoksia näyttämättä muille.
Kerrankin sain ihan poseeraavan elävän mallin, kun kuvislinja-Kati pyys ihtestään muotokuvaa.
Lopuksi vielä joitain ihan oikeita sarjakuvia, Pirisen kurssilla tehtyjä. Tässä piti satunnaisesti valituista lauseista muodostaa tarina.
Tässä tehtävässä piti varastaa idea jo olemassa olevasta sarjakuvasta. Alkuperäistä ei voi muistaa.